A downloadable game for Windows

This is the place I will dump all my bad old projects that kinda work to show the progress I made as a developer and for others to laugh at me.

Also, if any of it has bugs or crashes or anything: Dont report it to me, I dont care.

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100 room test

Rage game. I tried to make it a normal game then I saw my friends getting frustrated playing it and thought it was so entertaining that I made the game even harder. You can press N on most levels to skip them. I think there is a glitched room somewhere in the 70-ies where you NEED to press N to continue. Appart from that room the whole game is beatable without it. I wouldn't recommend it though hahaha.


Game I made for a school project in highschool. Its some metroidvania that focuses on platforming and there is no fighting. It controls weird, its buggy and the movement is weird. Also I used a cracked version of game maker to make it so reloading the game sometimes fixes a lot of bugs. Most assets are self made except the music. All I can remember of this project is that I was rushed at the end so the final boss sucks ass and getting into the final area demands you to backtrack in some weird way. Also a friend of mine made the very first bit of fanart I have ever gotten (and probably will get) for this game and I have the picture to this day. All the music is illegally stolen but its not like I am trying to get money for this.

The first ever attempt at a bigger project. Failed for 2 reasons: 1: I didn't know how to program when starting and 2 I didn't plan anything at all so this game went from a sequel to the 100 room test, to a 100 room test but like a 4th wall breaking where you try to escape out of the game itself to... whatever the lore here is I cannot remember. There are a lot of cool ideas and things I made for this. Like the fact that this is a bunch of rooms but I designed the loading screens in such a way that it looks like one big world. Also there is an inventory and like a somewhat cool combat system. A lot of ideas I have refined and implemented in Iridescent, a game I put a lot more thought into before just coding. I have commited a lot of crimes against code to make Iridescent work without giving me an aneurysm and NoName is like 1000 times worse. In my defence you can see my understanding get better and better the younger the code is that I have written. I at one point wanted to really make it a real game but the more I learned the more I realized the whole foundation was rotten and I need to start over. This one doesn't have an end. After you defeat the boss then its done.


100 room test 7.3 MB
Seeker 105 MB
NoName 84 MB
IridescentSPANISH.zip 45 MB

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